The Church of St. Leonard
Rodney Stoke, Cheddar, Somerset

Priest in Charge

Stuart Burns 01934 743649


Parish Safeguarding Officer: Steve Percival ( tel. 01749 870530

(see parish Safeguarding Policy)

Diocesan Safeguarding Officer: Ben Goodhind
tel. 01749 685135 (see diocesan Safegarding website)


Parish Communion - 11:15am or 8:00 a.m. (see Services)
Every 4th Sunday in the month – Mattins
5th Sunday – Benefice Service (Alternates between 3 churches at 10am)
Special services on various dates (see Services)


St. Leonards & St. Peter's-  Home Page

Parish Contacts

Church Magazine

Finding Us

Friends of St. Leonard

Rodney Stoke and St Leonard's Church

Annual Parochial Church Meeting: Minutes (2017), Minutes (2018)