Minutes of the Parochial Church Council, St. Peter’s Draycott


Held on 03/03/2010 at 8:00 p.m. at Barn Close, Wet Lane, Draycott.

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1.      Opening prayers.. 1

2.      Attendance, apologies and welcome.. 1

3.      Minutes from 21/01/10.. 1

4.      Matters arising.. 1

5.      Other business.. 2

6.      Items for Decision.. 2

6a.  Service re-ordering.. 2

6b.  St. Peter’s as polling station for general election.. 2

6c.  Mendip Players- use of church.. 2

6d.  Path for school. 2

6e.  The Laurels.. 2

6f.  Resignation of Victor Skinner. 2

6g.  Mothering Friday.. 2

7.      Items for Discussion.. 2

7a.  Worship.. 2

7b.  Fabric.. 2

7c.  Finance.. 2

7d.  School. 2

7e.  Supporters of St. Peter’s.. 2

7f.  LMG.... 2

7g.  Children’s bill. 2

8.      Items of New Business.. 2

9.      Dates.. 2

9a.  Next scheduled meetings.. 2

10.         Closing prayer. 2


1.        Opening prayers

Sue opened the meeting with a prayer. Tricia Heckbert took the chair.

2.        Attendance, apologies and welcome


David Cheetham

Richard Dingley Sylvia Dingley Chris Green

Tricia Heckbert







Colette Jeff

Tricia Lumley

Thea Oliver

Barry Rose

Sue Rose







3.        Minutes from 21/01/10

The minutes were agreed as an accurate record, subject to minor changes.

4.        Matters arising

15/12/09 - 6d. (Magazine printing). It has proved too labour-intensive to use the church photocopier, and we are going back to Kings of Wessex to do the printing.

21/01/10 - 6b. (Church reappointment). Paul Moulton has costed 4 up-lighters in the choir area- approx. £200. The meeting agreed to this.

21/01/10 – 7d. (bibles for the school) SR reported that Rodney Stoke want to contribute. She had seen some examples but has not been able to talk to Cathy Lowe yet. This is in hand.

21/01/10 – 8a. (Register of attendances). TO had been doing this for 4 weeks. Will look at the results, perhaps continuing for a little longer.

5.        Other business

Additional items tabled- 6e, 6f, 6g, 7g

6.        Items for Decision

6a.  Service re-ordering.

SR had started a discussion with the Ministry Team and Churchwardens by e-mail. The premise was that we had not yet got it right.

·                                              Numbers at midday at Rodney Stoke have been less than at 11:15

·                                              We have lost the contingent from The Laurels at Draycott, probably due to our earlier start at 9:15.

·                                              It is not good (for anyone) for Sue to be dashing off before the end of the service at Draycott to make it to Cheddar in time for 10:30.

·                                              Possibility of changing the service at Draycott to coincide with Rodney Stoke at a later time, and for Sue to alternate between them, was not well received- for various reasons.

·                                              Sue has consulted with colleagues of multi-parish benefices. They have advised her to take more time at the most populous parish, i.e. Cheddar. She should probably be there every week, or at most take a single week of the month away.

ACTION: (All) Please let SR know your further thoughts on this topic.

6b.  St. Peter’s as polling station for general election

This will give some opportunity for us to show aspects of church life to those outside the church.  Could have some photos displayed of church activities.

6c.  Mendip Players- use of church

We need to charge to cover costs of heating and lighting. Say £20 per evening. Prop. CG, Sec. DC, all agreed.

6d.  Path for school

CG had received a letter from the Steve Percival on behalf of the school governors, sounding us out on a new path to give access to the school across a portion of the churchyard.

We were very supportive of the new pre-school development, but wanted some further details of what is being suggested, with diagrams of routes considered.

ACTION: CG to write to governors (Steve Percival).

6e.  The Laurels

TO took communion to the Laurels last time. There was a lack of materials- no patten or cloth. Also there were insufficient service books.

SR has one that she uses with Cheddar- this may be suitable. RS have ‘spare’ chalice and patten.

ACTIONS: SR to send service to CG electronically.

SR will ask Rodney Stoke re. chalice & patten.

6f.  Resignation of Victor Skinner

Vic’s resignation letter was read out in full, as was a similar letter from Rita

Since several of us have been in contact with one or the other of them and their decision seems firm, we must accept it and take action to cover the jobs Vic has been doing.


  1. TO will cover the covenant role on a temporary basis
  2. CJ will cover the fabric committee.
  3. Charities and grants- put on hold for a while.
  4. Encourage others to come forward to fill the role(s), e.g. at APCM, and pray about it.
  5. CG will write on behalf of the PCC accepting Vic’s resignation, with regret.

Our thanks to Thea and to Colette for stepping into the breach.

6g.  Mothering Friday

In response to query from SR- everything is in hand. There will be enough posies for Friday and Sunday. Heather is on hand to help Colette on Thursday.

7.        Items for Discussion

7a.  Worship

(covered- see 6a)

7b.  Fabric

Loo heater may be taking a lot of electricity- but at least it is on low tariff. Will turn off and see if it makes any difference.

7c.  Finance

General fund: £4,516 (current) and £4,227 (deposit).

Fabric fund: £8,462 (current) and £3,010 (deposit)

7d.  School

(nothing new).

7e.  Supporters of St. Peter’s

Soup lunch and Dingbats were the last fundraising activities.

Next will be the local history talk from Alan Rowntree on Friday 23rd April, proceeds to be shared with a respite care charity. Tickets £5 each. Please bring and show any things we have that might contribute to the local history theme.

7f.  LMG

Father’s day on 20th June. SR will ask what we will do at the next meeting. TL had an idea for a game.

We might consider joining their service- 11 a.m. at Kings of Wessex- and cancelling ours.

Ordination will be on 4th July at the Cathedral- 10 a.m. Can we close the churches and worship and go to the cathedral? Brian Halliday will book a coach.

We could do lunches at St. Peter’s church. Cheddar might cover food, Rodney Stoke drink!

ACTION: SR to raise the possibility with Cheddar and Rodney Stoke.

7g.  Children’s bill

The Christian Institute has circulated a letter calling for objections to the Children’s bill, that may be rammed through the closing days of parliament. Richard circulated details to us.

ACTION: CG was asked to pass the CI literature to Rodney Stoke.

8.        Items of New Business


9.        Dates

9a.  Next scheduled meetings

SR asked for the APCM to be moved from 11th April to the18th, as she will not be here at the earlier date.

10.  Closing prayer

The meeting concluded with the Grace.

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