Minutes of the Parochial Church Council, St. Peter’s Draycott


Held on 01/09/2009 at 8:00 p.m. in the Parish Room, Cheddar.

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1.     Opening prayers. 1

2.     Attendance, apologies and welcome. 1

3.     Minutes of previous meeting. 2

4.     Arising, actions. 2

6 b      Electrical 2

6 f       Chalice Permissions. 2

6 h      Cricket tickets. 2

7 b      Mendip responsibilities for fabric issues. 2

8 a      Wedding. 2

5.     Any other business. 2

6.     Items for Decision. 2

6 a      Parish Newsletter 2

6 b      Readership agreements. 2

6 c      Plans for 4th October. 3

6 d      Choir Sundays. 3

6 e      Church refurbishment and community unpaid work. 3

6 f       Rota- number of readers each Sunday. 3

6 g      Register of deaths book update. 3

6 h      Notice boards in church. 3

6 i       Change in governor status of Geoff Astle. 3

6 j       Laurels lifts. 4

6 k      Laurels contribution to church. 4

6 l       Lectern microphone. 4

7.     Items for Discussion. 4

7 a.      Worship. 4

7 b.     Fabric. 4

7 c.      Finance. 4

7 d.     Supporters of St. Peters. 4

7 e.      LMG.. 4

7 f.      Study Group. 5

8.     Items of New Business. 5

8 a.      McMillan coffee morning. 5

8 b.     Intercessions. 5

8 c.      150th birthday celebrations for St. Peter’s, Draycott 5

9.     Dates. 5

9 a.      Next PCC meeting. 5

10.      Closing prayer 5

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1.      Opening prayers

Sue opened the meeting with a prayer. Tricia Heckbert took the chair.

2.      Attendance, apologies and welcome


David Cheetham

Richard Dingley Sylvia Dingley

Chris Green

Tricia Heckbert Colette Jeff








Tricia Lumley

Barry Rose

Sue Rose

Thea Oliver

Victor Skinner


(no apologies)







3.      Minutes of previous meeting

Minutes of the 30/06/2009 meeting were agreed as accurate.

4.      Arising, actions

Meeting of 30/06/09

6 b       Electrical

TO is waiting to hear from Ian Patch.

6 f        Chalice Permissions

SR enquired and it seems that all were out of date! SR has mailed the full list of those who should have permissions. NB. since we are not currently administering the chalice there is no illegality in our current practice.

6 h       Cricket tickets.

These have been advertised in the pew notes. If we cannot use them or sell them, we should send them back.

7 b       Mendip responsibilities for fabric issues.

            MDC thinks that all is well with their actions. For our part we need the clear the drains. Should we reposition the outflow so that it drains onto the grass away from the wall?

They have not come back to us over the lime tree pollarding issue.

8 a       Wedding

This happened, taking place under special license.

5.      Any other business

(items received and added to agenda-  6k, 6l; 7f, 8a; 8b)

6.      Items for Decision

6 a       Parish Newsletter

SR had raised this with Rodney Stoke PCC. They preferred to try and keep the Newsletter within the two villages of Draycott and Rodney Stoke. An advertisement has been placed in the current issue for a replacement editor on this basis. Two people have said that they may be prepared to undertake this on a temporary basis at least. The Newmans have indicated that they will continue until the end of the year, so that the December/ January edition will be their final one.

Do we want to continue to be part of the Rodney Stoke newsletter, or combine with Cheddar in their absence? This was discussed- both had their advantages and disadvantages. The motion was put to the vote “we should keep the status quo for the time being as long as a suitable editor comes forward”. This was proposed by CG and seconded by VS. All were in favour.

1. We wait and see who comes forward as prospective editor- NB. SR would prefer a church person. We should review this before Christmas.

2. We should make copies of the different magazines available in all three churches.

6 b       Readership agreements

(The draft versions had been circulated previously)

These were presented by CG and SR, and discussed. They were agreed subject to a typographical correction to CG’s, and the addition of ‘banns of marriage’ to bring his into line with Nikki Devitt’s. A technicality was explained by SR- the readers are licensed to her, within the benefice of Rodney Stoke with Draycott. When this benefice combines with Cheddar, a change will be required to amend the license to include Cheddar.

The acceptance of these agreements was proposed by TO and seconded by TH. All were in agreement.

Expenses were to be shared between the three parishes on a pro rata basis

Some planning will be required for the 3rd (licensing).
ACTION: CG to mail details to all concerned.

6 c       Plans for 4th October.

The wardens need to present the new readers to the congregation, who will welcome them. This will require some planning.

ACTION: the churchwardens will consult with SR and RD.

6 d       Choir Sundays.

Harvest: DC suggested choir practice on Monday 28th September and 5th October. There will be a carol service on 20th December, for which rehearsals will also be required.

6 e       Church refurbishment and community unpaid work.

Murray Heckbert has put our request on the list. When we get to the top of the list someone will come out and assess us. They will be looking for indoor projects for the winter, which is to our advantage. No timescale could be given for this.

6 f        Rota- number of readers each Sunday.

            We currently have two readers for the different liturgy on the first Sunday of the month. Do we want this to continue? SR thought we should carry on with this pattern but we might try out different liturgies.
ACTION: SR to mail us some suggested alternative forms of service for use next Sunday.

As part of the rota of Sunday readings, we used to have the page number from the book. Could this please be reinstated?
ACTION: SR will put the page number back in the readings rota.

6 g       Register of deaths book update.

            The register of deaths book is not being completed. The information is in the burial book and also in the service book. TH reported that Annette Wills would be willing to complete the burial book.
ACTION: The churchwardens will write out a list to hand to Annette.

6 h       Notice boards in church.

            We have an extra board at the back of the church, which we use as a screen but which is rather in the way. RD offered an alternative one that could be wall-mounted. After a discussion we decided that no additional notice board was needed, and the current one could be removed. SR said that Cheddar may be in need of another notice board.
ACTIONS: DC to remove the additional notice board.
SR to ask Cheddar PCC if they would like RD’s board.

6 i        Change in governor status of Geoff Astle.

            The school has requested that the governor status of Geoff Astle be changed from parent governor to foundation governor. After a short discussion, TO proposed that we accept the change, CJ seconded. All were in favour.
ACTION: CG to complete the paperwork and forward to the diocese.

6 j        Laurels lifts.

            We have recently had a lot of uptake on our offer of lifts to residents of ‘The Laurels’ to Sunday services. This has sometimes required more than one car.
ACTION: CG and/ or TH will ascertain how many people are coming, and if extra cars are needed will co-ordinate our efforts. We will still try to keep to our weekly rota otherwise.

6 k       Laurels contribution to church

            Residents of ‘The Laurels’ have raised a sum for church funds that they would like to present to us, possibly at a social event.
ACTION: SR will liaise with The Laurels manager.

6 l        Lectern microphone.

            Permanent wiring would be useful for the lectern, for safety (avoiding a tripping hazard) and to save time in setup. As an alternative, perhaps we should use the hand-held radio microphone and dispense with the wire altogether? Or else perhaps a safer but not permanent clipping solution could be found to tidy the wiring away. It was thought that the radio microphone solution would be better
ACTION: we shall try using the radio microphone on the lectern.

7.      Items for Discussion

7 a.      Worship

(covered under 6f, above)

7 b.      Fabric

We need to unblock the drains
ACTION: RD to contact Steve Wall.

EDF energy have suggested a replacement meter. DC does not see any need.

7 c.      Finance

General funds: £11,790; fabric funds £9,021.

We are continuing to pay our parish share at the level agreed (£500 per month).

7 d.      Supporters of St. Peters

We have received £212 from the Strawberry Special for the skittles evenings.
ACTION: TO to deliver a thank-you note.

The quiz night has been publicised

Harvest supper- this is being run in conjunction with the Mendip Players as a ‘murder mystery’, with an Italian theme (to be held in Draycott Memorial Hall. We are selling tickets this year.


1.      TH to meet the hall committee to finalise arrangements

2.      CG to issue a Temporary Event Notification to Sedgemoor District Council (TL to supply full details).

7 e.      LMG

Pulpit exchange- November 15th.

Two events planned- “Messy Church” (September), Gifting (November). Details to follow.

7 f.       Study Group

Our original plans fell through. We are considering other options.

8.      Items of New Business

8 a.      McMillan coffee morning

RD has had some publicity about this (event timed for 25th September). Do we want to run with it? No-one came forward on this- we should look out for this being put on by other people and support them where we can.

8 b.      Intercessions

If anyone wants specific people to be prayed for, SR needs to be told by Thursday for their names to be in the following Sunday’s pew notes.

8 c.      150th birthday celebrations for St. Peter’s, Draycott

In 2011 we should have a big celebration. Book the bishop!

We thought that the consecration of the church was on St. Peter’s day.
ACTION: CG to check on this and mail to SR.

9.      Dates

9 a.      Next PCC meeting

13th October (Tuesday). Accepted invitation to 9, Barnett’s Well. (Advance apologies from BR and RD).

10. Closing prayer

The meeting was closed with the Grace.

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