Minutes of the Parochial Church Council, St. Peter’s Draycott


Held on 16/02/2009 at 7:30 p.m. at 9, Barnett’s Well, Draycott.


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1.      Opening prayers.. 1

2.      Attendance, apologies and welcome.. 1

3.      Minutes of previous meeting.. 1

4.      Arising, actions.. 1

5.      Any other business.. 2

6.      Items for Decision.. 2

6 a         Social meeting with Sue Rose.. 2

6 b         Lent groups.. 2

6 c         School Governors.. 2

6 d         Sermons.. 2

7.      Items for Discussion.. 2

7 a.        New Incumbent News.. 2

7 b.        Worship.. 2

7 c.        Fabric.. 2

7 d.        Finance.. 3

7 e.        SoSP... 3

7 f.         LMG.... 3

7 g.        Readership news.. 3

7 h.        Child Protection.. 3

8.      Items of New Business.. 3

8 a.        Flowers.. 3

8 b.        Easter music.. 3

8 c.        Safe Key.. 3

8 d.        PCC roll-call. 3

9.      Dates.. 4

10.         Closing prayer. 4


1.        Opening prayers

Richard opened the meeting with a prayer. Tricia Heckbert took the chair.

2.        Attendance, apologies and welcome


David Cheetham

Sylvia Dingley

Chris Green

Tricia Heckbert Colette Jeff

Thea Oliver









Richard Dingley

Tricia Lumley Stanley Price

Barry Rose









3.        Minutes of previous meeting

Minutes of the 19/01/2009 meeting were agreed as accurate.

4.        Arising, actions

Meeting of 19/01/09

6 a       (plaster fall) RD writing to insurers? SD was not sure whether he had (carry over).

7 c       (paving around bins). Not yet carried out, but in hand.

5.        Any other business

(items received and added to agenda-  7h, 8a-d)

6.        Items for Decision

6 a           Social meeting with Sue Rose

The date for this is 27th Feb, venue Lotus House. Partners invited.
ACTION: All to let Richard and Sylvia know if they are coming, and what they are intending to bring (desserts, vegetarian alternative food welcome).

6 b           Lent groups

Tricia Corrick has volunteered to host a group in Draycott on Tuesdays. We still need a leader. Cheddar are doing their own thing.

6 c           School Governors

Following our e-mail decision, school had requested the diocese that Lorne’s foundation governorship be renewed and backdated to last September. They had not yet heard from the diocese whether this would be acceptable.

Nikki’s term as an ex officio governor (standing in for the incumbent, previously Stanley) will come to an end soon. Unfortunately this is before Sue Rose is in post. Nikki is writing to the diocese to ask what they would like to do- some kind of interim arrangement might be the best idea.

6 d           Sermons

At the end of 2007 we agreed that all preaching team sermons available would be published on the website. Do we want this to continue? The PCC did.

7.        Items for Discussion

7 a.         New Incumbent News

Invitations for the licensing have gone out to ‘VIPs’. DC asked about our financial commitment. TO said that it is proportional to electoral rolls, and would provide exact figures. NB. The candidates have not yet put in claims for their interview expenses.

7 b.         Worship

We cancelled the worship group this week as we cannot plan very far ahead at the moment. It has been decided that when Sue is in post we will carry on for 2 months with Cheddar covering the 2nd and 4th Sunday, Stanley the first. On the third Sunday we would find our own, as presently. NB. The 29th March will be a joint service, and we may use it to say thank-you to Stanley.

ACTION: TO to discuss with RD.

7 c.         Fabric

                  Still waiting for Font news.

The plaster fall was probably a consequence of a ‘hidden gutter’, which tends to get clogged. WCT have cleared it. Not sure whether they will bill us, but they probably will.

7 d.         Finance

General fund: £3,536 current, £4,511 deposit.

Refurbishment fund: £5,140 current, £3,008 deposit.

Andrew Johnson will ask for £100 expenses. This should be covered in tax back from monies already received- so should not come from church funds.

We decided that we would continue to pay £250 per month for the Parish Share, when we can afford to.

We also wanted to contribute expenses to Stanley and Eva’s holiday, as part of our thank-you to Stanley (as previously agreed). A sum of £100 was agreed on (not decided where this would come from yet).

7 e.         SoSP

TO and TL had produced a Lent quiz. Sheets sold at £1 each, with a prize draw.

Future ideas- open gardens with teas?

7 f.          LMG

Main plans involving us- Pentecost- 31st May.

7 g.         Readership news

CG described his recent Readership training weekend at Ammerdown. There are 15 trainees and the weekend was lively and very thought-provoking. Focus of this year is on preaching training, and the trainees have split into groups to visit each other’s churches to carry out preaching assessments. Members of our congregation have already been recruited for the same purpose, with the help of Gordon Jeff (our mentor). Two groups will visit Draycott or Rodney Stoke during the next 3 months. This will also take Nikki and Chris away from Draycott for two Sundays each over this period. Chris & Nikki thank you for your continuing support and encouragement.

7 h.         Child Protection

Trish Heckbert attended the training session and will become our new child protection officer. Until this is formalised, TO will continue to carry out any duties.

8.        Items of New Business

8 a.         Flowers

DC suggested that flowers made a good display against the reredos. The meeting agreed.

8 b.         Easter music

DC proposed a choir for Easter day, as in previous years. The PCC supported this. Choir practice dates of 26th March and 2nd April were agreed.

8 c.         Safe Key

Nikki will get another cut, so that she can use the silver candlesticks for school assemblies without having to get them left out.

8 d.         PCC roll-call

We should keep a note of which PCC members will not be in church on any Sunday.

9.        Dates

Next PCC- 23rd March (Monday)

Deanery Synod at Church House Cheddar on 5th March (Thursday).

APCM: 26th April.

10.  Closing prayer

The meeting was closed with the Grace.

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