Minutes of the Parochial Church Council, St. Peter’s Draycott


Held on 21/01/2008 at 7:30 p.m. at Lotus House, The Street, Draycott.


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1.     Opening prayers. 1

2.     Attendance, apologies and welcome. 1

3.     Minutes of previous meeting. 1

4.     Arising, actions. 1

5.     Any other business. 2

6.     Items for Decision. 2

6 a      Working party to choose new incumbent. (NB. this part conducted without SP) 2

6 b      MBTI Spirituality Course –offered by Gordon. 2

6 c      Local charges. 2

6 d      Nominations for chalice and patten duty. 3

6 e      Faith communities- responding to emergencies. 3

6 h      Kingsway Electrics. 3

7.     Items for Discussion. 3

7 a.      Worship. 3

7 b.     Fabric. 3

7 c.      Finance. 4

7 d.     Fund raising. 4

7 e.      LMG.. 4

7 f.      Father’s Fun Day 2008. 4

8.     Items of New Business. 4

9.     Dates. 4

10.      Closing prayer 4


1.      Opening prayers

Richard opened the meeting with a prayer. Tricia Heckbert took the chair.

2.      Attendance, apologies and welcome


David Cheetham Richard Dingley Sylvia Dingley Chris Green

Tricia Heckbert







Colette Jeff

Stanley Price

Tricia Lumley



Thea Oliver







3.      Minutes of previous meeting

Minutes of the 05/12/2007 meeting were agreed as accurate.

4.      Arising, actions

6 b     (security measures) Carry forward. CG and DC to make a joint decision on the EI security suggestions.

6 d     (Contacting Ann Percival re. Mothering Sunday) Done

6 e     (Baptism- seating). This will be taking place with communion at the next occasion, therefore the seats need to face the front.

6 h     (Reader’s subscriptions). Done.

7 b     (Lock and chain for the boiler house gate). Done.

          (Light at front gate). This had not been renewed as part of our re-wiring. NB. It would involve not just a new light, but re-cabling. An alternative could be a remote fitting with solar panel. DC suggested that it was safe with the current wiring- a failure would just trip the circuit breaker.
ACTION: do nothing at this stage.

7 d     (‘Easyfundraising’). Nothing put in magazine as it seemed rather complicated.

5.      Any other business

6.      Items for Decision

6 a       Working party to choose new incumbent. (NB. this part conducted without SP)

We need to appoint two people from this parish. Their first task will be to draw up a list of items to be included in the Profile.

The drafting committee for the profile will initially consist of Draycott only. RD produced a first draft to start us off. By early February Nicola Sullivan will expect us to have a starting position.

After a discussion it was agreed that RD should be on the committee, and we would ask Nikki Devitt if she would be the other member- unfortunately TO was away for this early stage of the proceedings.
ACTION- CG to sound out Nikki.

We had a brief brainstorming session to determine some of the points that were important to us to go into the profile of the incumbent:

·        Strong interest in education/ youth work

·        Ecumenical approach

·        Someone who can bridge the 3 worlds of village, school and church.

·        Favours lay ministry (NB. Preaching team, prospective readers).

·        Broad churchmanship- but we must also signal our own flexibility.

A formal decision was required on the motion ‘we were happy with an incumbent of either gender’. This was proposed by RD and seconded by CG. All were in favour (no abstentions), so the motion was carried.

ACTION – (all) To get back to RD with our comments on the draft.

The meeting thanked RD for helping us to get off to a good start with his document.

6 b       MBTI Spirituality Course –offered by Gordon.

The meeting agreed the idea and flyer.

ACTION: CJ to communicate our enthusiastic backing to Gordon.

6 c       Local charges.

SP had produced a printout detailing the local fees that could be charged for various items connected with church weddings. We agreed those proposed by Stanley except that:

·        Verger fee was increased from £15 to £25.

·        Choir fee was increased from £35 to £60.

Funerals also need to conform to these rates where applicable.

The motion was put forward to adopt the local charges as set out, with amendments, viz. Organist, £60; Choir, £60; Verger £25; Flower arrangers, £40; church heating, £15; off street car parking, £15; celebrant’s travelling expenses, £0.40 per mile.

Proposed: TH, seconded CJ. All were in favour (no abstentions); motion carried.

6 d       Nominations for chalice and patten duty.

We need to nominate enough to cover all eventualities. The following were put forward:

Thea Oliver, Chris Green, Nikki Devitt, Tricia Heckbert

(Richard Dingley does not require nomitating)

RD proposed that the above should be our nomination, DC seconded. All were in favour.

ACTION- SP to communicate our decision to diocese.

6 e       Faith communities- responding to emergencies.

SP explained the background to this. There were two events, on Wed. 12th March and Wed. 7th May.

ACTION- Remind ourselves at another PCC.

6 h       Kingsway Electrics.

We have a bill for £76.38 for the heating programmer and £47 for replacing a blown tube in one of the (new) light fittings.

SP thinks that the re-wiring was incorrect and proposes that they redo. We are also resisting the charge for replacing a bulb that should not have failed in a new installation.

Still needed- a test certificate, required for the chancellor to complete the faculty process.

7.      Items for Discussion

7 a.      Worship

-         When Stanley officially retires at the end of January, he offers his time to us as a visiting celebrant as follows:

·          For March until June: to celebrate at both Draycott and Rodney Stoke on the first and third Sunday of each month.

·          For July until November: to celebrate at Draycott and Rodney Stoke alternately on the first and third Sunday of each month.

-         Richard is organising our celebrants for the next few months. Nicola has suggested different people in the diocese to preach, although the preaching rota is fixed until the end of June. NB. All retired clergy are entitled to be paid (£25.50 plus travelling expenses).

-         We discussed the proposed Candlemas service on 3rd Feb. We would have plenty of candles, and the congregation would hold candles that would be lit after the Old Testament reading.

ACTION:  Chris and Nikki to organise; Thea to help put out candles before the service; Chris to contact visiting celebrant John Ingham and put him in the picture.

7 b.      Fabric

-         MDC has unexpectedly laid asphalt on the paths. This has caused a problem in that the bottom gate will no longer open? Alternatives considered- get MDC back, or try to fix it ourselves. (NB. the gate is in need of some general maintenance).
ACTION: RD will ask Steve Wall to have a look at it and perhaps use washers in the hinges to give an extra bit of height (and therefore clearance).

-         Pollarding- any rapid action would need to be taken by us, as MDC are giving it a low priority. However, we do not have the funds to employ a tree surgeon, so had to decide to leave it. We noted that the liability belongs to MDC.

7 c.      Finance

-         After paying the Parish Share we now have £3,434 in general funds, and £2,483 in the roof fund. We are due the income from the parish magazine.

-         We will be getting some advice from the diocese about reducing our insurance cover to save money.

7 d.      Fund raising

-         We have received about £250 from our contribution to the school fair.

-         The harp concert (Celtic harp - Carol Arblaster) is on 1st March. A press release will go into the newsletter as a flyer. Tricia Lumley is organising; RD will help (offered to print flyers). Unfortunately Tricia is going away at the end of February, returning about two days before the concert. Please could someone else be on hand to help? Tricia Heckbert volunteered

7 e.      LMG

-         Reminder of Bring and Share supper at Biddisham Village Hall, 7 pm on 23rd Feb.

-         Marriage preparation course in Cheddar on 9th February.

-         The first aid course on 23rd Feb is cancelled.

7 f.       Father’s Fun Day 2008

(On 15th June at Kings of Wessex, 10 – 4). Discussed our possible contribution of ices.

ACTION: CG to contact Paul Spanring (organiser) with an offer from St. Peter's to do ices ('ice pops').

8.      Items of New Business

(none received)

9.      Dates

-         Next PCC meeting- 18th Feb at Lotus House.

-         Following- 25th March.

-         APCM: Sunday 27th April; 6 pm service followed by APCM at 6:30.

10. Closing prayer

The meeting was closed with the Grace.

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