Minutes of the Parochial Church Council, St. Peter’s Draycott


Held on 05/12/2007 at 7:30 p.m. at Lotus House, The Street, Draycott.


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1.     Opening prayers. 1

2.     Attendance, apologies and welcome. 1

3.     Minutes of previous meeting. 1

4.     Arising, actions. 1

5.     Any other business. 1

6.     Items for Decision. 2

6 b      Security measures proposed by EI 2

6 c      Font- further action. 2

6 d      Service(s) on Mothering Sunday. 2

6 e      Baptism: seating arrangements. 2

6 h      Reader’s subscriptions. 2

7.     Items for Discussion. 2

7 a.      Worship. 2

7 b.     Fabric. 2

7 c.      Finance. 3

7 d.     Fund raising. 3

7 e.      LMG.. 3

7 f.      Father’s Fun Day 2008. 3

7 g      School Governors report 3

7 h      Herbert Trust 3

7 i       Parish profile. 4

8.     Items of New Business. 4

8 a      Licensing. 4

9.     Dates. 4

10.      Closing prayer 4


1.      Opening prayers

Richard opened the meeting with a prayer. Tricia Heckbert took the chair.

2.      Attendance, apologies and welcome


Richard Dingley Sylvia Dingley Chris Green

Tricia Heckbert Stanley Price

Thea Oliver









David Cheetham Colette Jeff

Tricia Lumley





3.      Minutes of previous meeting

Minutes of the 15/10/2007 meeting had previously been agreed at the brief meeting of 26/11/2007. A summary of the last meeting was prepared for the current meeting.

4.      Arising, actions

(dealt with in on 26/11/2007)

5.      Any other business

(Several items were added).

6.      Items for Decision

Note- these were mostly the items deferred from the meeting of 26/11/07

6 b       Security measures proposed by EI

Ecclesiastical insurance had written recommending the use of ‘smart water’ to mark church valuables. They had also sent a sample, and a warning notice.
ACTION- The notice should go up as soon as possible. The Treasurer, Church Warden and Secretary to get together in January and decide what to do with the other materials sent.

6 c       Font- further action.

SP had some news for us- Vivian Davies seems in favour of the font going to a museum and thinks we will be successful in raising the money that way.

The Victorian Society are likely to challenge the Chancellor’s ruling in the Court of Arches.
ACTION- Nothing for us to do at the moment.

6 d       Service(s) on Mothering Sunday.

We were in favour of a joint service at Rodney Stoke for Mothering Sunday, but they had decided that it would be a non-Eucharistic service. If we joined with them, there would be no Holy Communion in the Benefice that Sunday. For this reason, we decided that we should have our own separate service at Draycott.

ACTION- CG to write to Ann Percival.

6 e       Baptism: seating arrangements.

There was a proposal that we should turn the seats to face the font. If it is a communion service, this would complicate matters as the altar would also need to be moved. The PCC had no objection in principle, but would advise the congregation if we decided on this at a baptism in the future.

ACTION- Wait until the next baptism to decide.

6 h       Reader’s subscriptions.

Richard reported that we should be paying £36 to the diocese on his behalf, for readership support. RD promised to pass on the ‘reader’s notes’ to the readership trainees.

ACTION- We agreed to pay the subscription.

7.      Items for Discussion

7 a.      Worship

We approved of the new Advent Hymn.

7 b.      Fabric

-         A chain and padlock have been bought for the boiler house gate and will be attached shortly.

-         Should we have the light at the front gate to the church wired up? We agreed that we should (RD to action).

-         We had a bill from Kingsway for replacing a bulb in the chancel for £47. We agreed that this should not be paid without protest, as it had only just been installed.

-         Repairs were carried out on the heating controller and the bill was £75.75. However it is still not working properly, as it is not coming on at the right times.
ACTION: RD will investigate.

-         Pollarding: RD read out his draft reply to Mendip District Council. We agreed.
ACTION: RD to send his letter.

7 c.      Finance

(DC not present)

7 d.      Fund raising

-         The Rock & Roll evening raised £316.

-         The PTA event on Saturday raised about £100.

-         Celtic Harp Concert – harpist is Carol Arblaster. They supply a promotional CD and/ or DVD. 
ACTION: We suggested 1st March. SP to contact them.

-         Easyfundraising.org.uk is a system which raises money for the church from Internet purchases. SP has already subscribed on our behalf.
ACTION: we should use the site. CG to publicise in the next Newsletter.

7 e.      LMG

We had received minutes of the meeting on the 21st November.

23rd Feb- there will be a Bring and Share supper at Biddisham Village Hall, 7 – 10 pm.

7 f.       Father’s Fun Day 2008

This is an event organised in the Cheddar valley for the 15th June at Kings of Wessex (10 – 4). It will consist of music, drama, talk, workshop and other activities.

We are being asked for a contribution. The most appropriate might be to undertake to provide something- for example, ice creams?

The Baptist minister Paul Spanning is in charge. The next meeting of the organisers is on 6th Feb.

ACTION: CG to contact Paul Spanning with an expression of interest from St. Peter’s.

7 g       School Governors report

We had received a report from Steve Percival, which was read out by CG. Further to this TO said that the school had since received a good SLAS report. There had also been a very successful joint PTA event with St. Peter’s.

7 h       Herbert Trust

The Herbert Trust exists to help improve techniques of reading and voice in lay participants in services through training sessions. Parishes pay travel expenses only. We have used them in the past with good results (Elspeth Richards- last time she came from Axbridge). The meeting agreed to ask them again, as the last session was some time ago.

ACTION: RD will contact them. If it is feasible we shall fix a date and encourage everyone to attend.

7 i        Parish profile

RD provided a list of the headings we should use to help us cover all that is required.

ACTION: at next meeting we shall discuss the next steps to completing the profile, including a working party to put it together.

8.      Items of New Business

8 a       Licensing

Nikki Devitt had raised concern about our lack of licensing for reproduction of copyrighted words and music for congregational singing.

ACTION: CG to ask Nikki to find out more for us (costs?) and report back.

9.      Dates

Next PCC meeting- 21st January, in the church.

TO is away between 8th February and 9 March.

10. Closing prayer

The meeting was closed with the Grace.

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