Minutes of the Parochial Church Council, St. Peter’s Draycott

Held on 27/02/2006 at 7:30 p.m. in the church.                            


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1.     Opening prayers. 1

2.     Attendance and apologies. 1

3.     Minutes of previous meeting. 1

4.     Arising, actions. 1

5.     Any other business. 2

6.     Items for Decision. 2

6 a.      APCM reports. 2

6 b.     Lent groups. 2

6 c      Font. 2

6 d      Photocopier. 2

6 e      Magnificat. 2

6 f       Premises Act. 3

7.     Items for Discussion. 3

7 a.      Worship. 3

7 b.     LMG: clergy & readers meeting. 3

7 c.      Fabric. 3

7 d.     Finance. 4

7 e.      Fund raising. 4

7 e.      Charities group. 4

8.     New business. 4

8 a.      Models of Ministry. 4

8 b.     Bishop’s palace stewards. 4

8 c.      NBTI 4

8 f.      Other business. 4

9.     Dates. 4

10.      Closing prayer 4


1.      Opening prayers

Stanley opened the meeting with a prayer and Thea took the chair.

2.      Attendance and apologies


John Cartwright Wendy Cartwright

Gillian Crease

Richard Dingley

Sylvia Dingley Chris Green










Colette Jeff

Thea Oliver

Stanley Price

Victor Skinner Lorne Talbot


Tricia Heckbert








3.      Minutes of previous meeting

Minutes of 17/01/2006 meeting were agreed as accurate, subject to minor corrections.

4.      Arising, actions

(not covered in Agenda)

from minutes previous to 17/01/06

7 e. (German War Graves Commission). Jonathan Cox has been ill.
ACTION: JC to try again later

from minutes of 17/01/06

5 b. (Invitation to LMG for Stanley’s relicensing). RD has done this.

5 c. (Bins) TO has contacted MDC, and everything can go into the green bin, in spite of the segregated rubbish policy

7 a i. (Candlemass). Done

      ii (Simple Eucharistic liturgy) To be discussed at Worship Group on 13th March.

      iii (Iona service) Done- very successful.

8 b (Music in church) RD suggested that we might gather before church in informal choir practice, perhaps to supplement other practice.

8 d (Magazine) RD thinks that the rural dean and archdeacon should get their copies, and we should probably send to some others in the LMG- NB. Cheddar, Axbridge, Crook Peak all produce their own; we should swap details with them.

ACTION: RD will supply a list of extra people to be circulated (to Heather?). CG will get in touch with Alan to explore the exchange idea.

8 e ii (Baptismal roll). Not located yet.

5.      Any other business

6.      Items for Decision

6 a.      APCM reports.

The list produced by CG was agreed by all.

6 b.      Lent groups.

SP has had an excellent response to his queries- 57 people have expressed interest. There may be 9 different meetings during the week (3 in Draycott, 4 in Cheddar, 1 in Lower Wear, 1 in Crook Peak). We have bought 50 books- leaders will be given some to distribute within their localities (Stanley to prepare packs & deliver them to leaders).

6 c       Font.

We have heard from a prospective purchaser for the font. Stanley asked him to write informing us officially. A preliminary process is needed- English Heritage and others need to be approached before we go ahead with an application for a faculty. A replica font could be provided, although it does not have to be identical in shape or size.
ACTION: SP will write to appropriate bodies when we have heard back from our purchaser. In the meantime postpone the meeting that was suggested for the 27th March.

6 d       Photocopier.

It is proving temperamental.
ACTION: RD will get rid of it in the most convenient fashion.

6 e       Magnificat.

This is an event in Wells when the Archbishop of Canterbury will be in attendance, and all clergy will be involved. There are three invitations for lay members of the congregation of St. Peter’s and Rodney Stoke. How do we distribute them?
ACTION: Will put names of those interested in a box and have a draw.

6 f        Premises Act.

We are required to issue a temporary event notification (TEN) to the local council when the sale of alcohol is involved. The Maundy Thursday service will fall into this category as we are selling tickets that include the price of alcohol.
ACTION: CG to get details and make application.

7.      Items for Discussion

7 a.      Worship

i.            Preaching at Draycott: SP is applying for a bishop’s license to allow Thea and Chris to ‘address the congregation’ (i.e. preach) occasionally. Gordon Jeff is getting permission to officiate. When SP is re-licensed, the others will be acknowledged. We have drawn up a preaching programme until July.

ii.           Mothering Sunday. Clergy from the LMG will attend. The service will start at 6:30 and will be non-Eucharistic. Further details to be worked out by RD and SP.

iii.         Holy Week: a second letter has been sent to those previously interested in the Maundy Thursday event. Tickets have been printed, and will be sold at £5- to include the cost of food and wine. We need hosts to spread themselves around. We should be able to seat up to 60, and the home team will serve it.

iv.         Good Friday: RD has 2 cassettes of music if this would be of use. Ian has not yet confirmed his availability. Nikki is organising this service.

v.          Baptism service: SP is not happy with the combination with Eucharist. There will be a baptism on the fourth Sunday at Rodney Stoke next month, and the couple want to get involved. This may be a good opportunity to revisit the liturgy.

vi.         Robin Lodge (on diocesan liturgical group) will be in an open meeting on Thursday 8th June, where we will discuss baptism policy (7:30 at St. Leonard’s).

7 b.      LMG: clergy & readers meeting

(see separate minutes). Every church is to have a parish representative. The next meeting will be on Wednesday 3rd May, from 12:30 – 2:00. ‘Pulpit exchange’ Sunday 5th Nov.

7 c.      Fabric

i.            The bells are still unserviceable, but new wires are in place. The mountings are being recast. VS discovered that for an extra £250 we could get extra clappers, ropes and other fixtures and fittings to complete the job when the decoration was finished, so he went ahead with this. The whole job is due to be finished mid-March. Currently work is the roof over the organ. The ridge is still to be done.
ACTION: the meeting endorsed VS’s decision retrospectively.

ii.           Re-ordering: alternative schemes need to be discussed.
ACTION: Wardens and SP to organise special purpose meeting.

iii.         Re-wiring will need to be carried out sometime. Lighting needs sorting out.
ACTION: incorporate re-wiring into the next stage. Ask Carl to replace the existing spot lights when he removes the temporary ones.

iv.         The blocked drain needs replacement.

7 d.      Finance.

The roof fund has nearly gone. To pay further roof bills we will need to use any sources we have. We still have VAT to come back.

VS wants to get another instalment from English Heritage. For this we shall need a certificate of completion, detailing the amount needed to finish the job.
ACTION: Needs to be supplied by the architect.

Wendy and John warned us of their impending departure (at the next APCM). John said that he would nevertheless send off for our next tax refund in the new financial year.

The meeting thanked both Wendy and John.

7 e.      Fund raising.

A further tranche of £2000 was applied for, received and spent since our last meeting.

Victor and Rita are planning another bookstall in April/May.

The meeting thanked Victor once again for all his hard work.

7 e.      Charities group

This now has members (Colette Jeff, Tricia Heckbert, Owen Spencer).

8.      New business

8 a.      Models of Ministry.

A document to show us the way forward- NB. recruitment of additional preachers provided for. We are ahead of the game! Can be downloaded from the diocesan website.

8 b.      Bishop’s palace stewards.

Coordinated by Denny Johnson. Anyone who wants to join the ranks please contact VS.

8 c.      NBTI

Society of Martha and Mary- introductory/ foundation course. Colette commended it to us- details will be at the back of the church.

8 d.      Rotas

Sylvia gave us notice that she will resign from doing rotas after doing May’s.
ACTION: TO to announce in church to see if anyone else willing to do this.

The meeting thanked Sylvia for all her work over the years.

8 f.       Other business

i.            RD has remembered that a head count was required. This can be estimated.

ii.           TO reported on a rock communion held at Mark- & is thinking of asking them here.

9.      Dates

APCM- Sunday 2nd April. 6pm. Service, followed by meeting at 6:30.

Next PCC meeting: Tuesday 2nd May at 7:30 in the church.

10.  Closing prayer

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