Minutes of the Parochial Church Council, St. Peter’s Draycott

Held on 18/01/2005 at 7:30 p.m. at the Brown’s house.

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1.     Opening prayers. 1

2.     Attendance and apologies. 1

3.     Minutes of previous meeting. 1

4.     Arising, actions. 1

5.     Any other business. 2

6.     Items for Decision. 2

6 a.      Ecumenical Lent Group. 2

6 b.     Axbridge Deanery Synod representative. 2

7.     Items for Discussion. 2

7 a.      Worship. 2

7 b.      Fabric. 2

7 c.      Finance. 3

7 d.     Fund Raising. 3

7 e.      School Governors. 3

8.     New business. 3

9.     Closing prayer 3


1.      Opening prayers

Stanley Price opened the meeting with a prayer and Thea Oliver took the chair.

2.      Attendance and apologies


Julie Brown

John Cartwright Wendy Cartwright

Chris Green

Colette Jeff

Audrey Morgan

Thea Oliver

Stanley Price

Victor Skinner Wilf Lacey

Lorne Talbot














Richard Dingley

Sylvia Dingley









3.      Minutes of previous meeting

Minutes of 16/12/2004 meeting were agreed as correct, subject to minor correction.

4.      Arising, actions

(not covered in Agenda)

6 b.      (Kneelers) The experiment with putting kneelers on rather than under the chairs has met with no objections. We shall continue with it.

7 b i.    (Sound System) Now being advertised on notice board and Web site. No training yet arranged. Feedback has been generally positive, although the radio microphones can be temperamental.

7 b iii.   (Carpet) Richard has fixed it.

7 b iv.   (Chedburn’s final report). Not yet received. All Victor’s mail was directed to RD while VS was away, but nothing further from Chedburn.
ACTION: VC to contact Mr. Chedburn.

7 e.      (First to the Lord video). This was shown as planned. The video was professionally produced and we appreciated its celebration of the church’s work. We also thought that we were very different from the communities featured, and it was sometimes hard to apply the lessons to our own situation.
Wendy & Stanley have been working on a budget. There is quite a difference between income and expenditure, and we need some imaginative proposals. We might revive the idea of “Friends of St. Peter’s”, suggested previously. If a village group took on some of the fabric and refurbishment expenses, we could concentrate our resources elsewhere. It needs an outside person to chair it, and it needs publicity.
ACTION: SP to speak to Miles Whittle.

Other fund raising ideas which were raised at this point:

5.      Any other business

            Several items of other business were proposed

6.      Items for Decision

6 a.      Ecumenical Lent Group

To use a ‘York Course’ entitled ‘Better Together’. From 5th Feb for 5 weeks, Ann Wait  the contact. This has been mentioned in church, and lists of sessions have been put out.

6 b.      Axbridge Deanery Synod representative.

Julie is stepping down as Synod representative. We thanked her for serving St. Peter’s in this way, and she replied that it had been fun! We need new Synod representatives.
ACTION: put up notice & publicise.

7.      Items for Discussion

7 a.      Worship

        i.            Stanley presented the conclusions of the Worship Review Group (which met on 17th Jan- see separate notes). The main proposal was that we vary the format of a limited selection of Sundays in the year.
One idea that had been put forward was a ‘Christmas Tree Festival’ (it could be part of fund raising). We might combine this with a display of cribs- Tricia has a collection from around the world. We liked this idea (acceptance proposed by Julie, seconded by Audrey, agreed nem. con.).
ACTION: Tricia and Linda to be asked to organise this.

       ii.                        It was also suggested that the Worship Review Group carry on meeting as the Worship Group, to discuss other suggestions and report back to the PCC.
ACTION:  Stanley to organise next meeting (28th February).

7 b.      Fabric

            Nothing to report in Richard’s absence.

7 c.      Finance

        i.            Wendy presented the 2004 accounts. Wendy clarified some points in reply to questions.

·        Returned VAT from roof expenses went into general fund because we had previously had to transfer £3000 from the general fund to the roof fund for cash flow reasons.

·        Extra £500 paid into parish share above the amount originally agreed

·        Flower fund- was hardly used.

The meeting agreed to accept these as accurate. (Proposed: Chris; Seconded: Audrey; all agreed nem. con.)

       ii.            It was agreed to increase ticket prices if there should be another Barrie Rose concert.

     iii.            Proposal to start payment of the new parish share with £500 (Agreed).

7 d.      Fund Raising

To be a meeting next Wednesday.

7 e.      School Governors.

Stanley has resigned as ex-officio governor, as he felt that he was not able to contribute adequately within the time he could commit to the parish. He had written to the archdeacon to propose Nikki Devitt, who had previously indicated her willingness. More parent governors were needed. Lorne was asked if she would be willing, and agreed. Proposed by: Stanley; Seconded by: Thea. All agreed.
ACTION: CG to write to Diocesan Education Department nominating Lorne as Parent Foundation Governor.

8.      New business

8 a.      Old wrought iron in churchyard.

            John Cartwright suggested that we get rid of the old wrought iron fencing and the flagpole, currently lying around in the churchyard. All agreed.
ACTION: Wilf to ask Roy Dury if he would be able to do this for us.

8 b.      Donations at funerals.

Currently none of this goes to the church. Stanley proposes that any donations in church should go to the church- if other donations to be made, this should be through the funeral director. This should be clearly stated on the order of service.
ACTION: This was agreed, and would be the case at funerals from now on.

8 c.      Health & Safety Officer.

            This is a requirement that now goes with any building activity. We have received a letter from Mr. Chedburn, the church architect, who offers to do this for £800 for the next works.
ACTION: We were generally in favour of this, and would look at it again when we were starting the new phase of works.

9.      Closing prayer

The meeting closed with the Grace.

(NB. next PCC meeting: 7th March 2005; APCM 24th April 2005).

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