Minutes of the St. Peter’s, Draycott Parochial Church Council Meeting

Held on Monday 29th July 2003 at 8.00 pm in the Church


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1.                    Opening Prayers

2.                    Apologies

3.                    Minutes of the last meeting held on 9th June 2003

4.                    Matters arising

5.                    Worship

6.                    Mission

7.                    Fabric report

8.                    Finance report

9.                    School report

10.                 Other business

11.                 Date of next meeting

12.                 Closing Prayer


Present:            Wilf Lacey, Wendy Cartwright, Colette Jeff, John Cartwright, Trish Corrick, Sylvia Dingley, & Richard Dingley


1          Richard Dingley opened the meeting with a prayer.


2          Apologies were received from:  Chris Green, Thea Oliver, Audrey Morgan, Victor Skinner, Julie Brown & Stanley Price


3          Minutes of the meeting held on 9th June were accepted and signed with the following amendment:-

                        The Venue was St. Peter’s Church


4          Matters arising:

            5.8.4    The organ had been attended to but was not working satisfactorily.  The bill was being retained until this sorted out.

            5.15.4  Stanley Price had obtained two duplicate keys for the safe.

            6.2       Harvest Festival is 5th October

                        Christingle on 14th December with the Bishop preaching

                        Carols on 21st December.

            6.3       The ‘Sermon Watch’ study evenings would start on October 2nd.

            6.4       There was no unanimity regarding having the Peace at the start of the service and this would be discussed at the next meeting.


5          Worship

            Deferred until next meeting


6          Mission

            Deferred to next meeting


7          Fabric

            The first interim payment for phase II had been received.  A copy of the bill to be                      given to Victor Skinner to claim the promised donation from Wyvern Waste.

            It was noted that VAT was being charged at 17.5% rather than 5% and this was to       be clarified with George Chedburn.



8          Finance

               The financial status on 28th July is:

               Bank Account Balances:

                        General Account                       £2,400.76

                        Roof Fund Account                  £   678.07

                        Flower Fund Account               £       9.15


               Central Board of Finance Accounts:

                        General Investment Fund                      £ 9,879.16

                        Roof Fund Investment Account £13,237.59

               Wendy Cartwright reported that we had so far paid £1,500 towards this year’s          Common Fund.                                   


9          School

            Thea had written to the PCC to say that her term of office as a Foundation Governor would be completed in August.  Unless there was any one else offering she was prepared to continue for a further term.  The PCC agreed to her appointment and a letter should be sent to confirm this.

            She also pointed out that there was also a vacancy for a Foundation Parent Governor.  Two names were considered and would be discussed at the next meeting.  These are: Lorne Talbot and Sarah Prestidge (?).

            The number of Parent Governors would be increased by 2006 and we should seek to find suitable candidates.


10        Other Business

1        Wilf Lacey reported that the Strawberry Fayre Committee were not interested in having a representative from the Church sitting on their committee and returned the letter of appointment.

2        It was noted that some of the hymns were pitched rather high and also that no use had been made of Junior Praise for a long time.  Wendy asked if there were any special hymns that people would like and the organist needs to be  informed as they choose they hymns used in the services

3        Stanley has requested that we consider a re-arrangement of the agenda which he feels would simplify proceedings and make more efficient use of the time spent.  It was decided that his proposals should be attached to these minutes and discussed at the next meeting.

4        John Cartwright sought confirmation that Chris had written letters of thanks to those who gave such excellent prizes for the raffle at the Pig Roast.

5        Tricia confirmed that the Cheddar Male Voice Choir will be giving an Advent Concert in the Village Hall.


11        No further meetings were arranged in view of the number absent.  The next scheduled meeting is Thursday 11th September.


12        The meeting ended at 8.40 with a prayer and the Grace.


Richard Dingley

29th July 2003



Proposed Format of Future PCC Meetings:


Stanley has asked to float the idea of a new agenda format as follows:


After the preliminary prayers, apologies and minutes, we have “Any Other Business” – no, we don’t go home at this point.  These items are slotted into one of the slots below.


1          ‘Items for Decision’

            These are either items needing urgent action or, more usually, items which were    fully discussed at a previous meeting(s)


2          ‘Items for Discussion’

            Here items which first appeared under the next heading are fully aired.  They may             then appear under the previous heading next time, or remain here for further      discussion if necessary.


3          ‘Items of New Business’

            This is just what it says, and would give opportunity for non-urgent new items to be          briefly introduced, just to inform members what is the ‘nub’ of the item.


This way of doing business eliminates the need for ‘matters arising’ which can sometimes go on for ever and which often delay the full discussion of more important items when members are not fresh.


I have found this method to work well and give everyone an opportunity to contribute fully to contentious items and not feel ‘bounced’ into things.  It gets rid of the ‘car park’ meetings afterwards.


Stanley Price


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