Minutes of the Parochial Church Council, St. Peter’s Draycott

Held on 09/06/2003 at 8 p.m. at Villa Westfield, Wells Road, Draycott.


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1.  Opening prayers. 1

2.  Attendance and apologies. 1

3.  Matters to be raised under Other Business. 1

4.  Minutes of the meeting of 28/04/2003. 1

5.  Matters arising from the minutes. 1

6.  Worship. 2

7.  Mission. 2

8.  Fabric report 2

9.  Finance report 3

10. Roof & Refurbishment Fund Committee. 3

11. Magazine. 3

12. School Report 3

13. Website. 4

14. Dates of future meetings/ events. 4

15. Any other business. 4

16. Closing prayers. 4


1.  Opening prayers

Stanley Price opened the meeting with a prayer. Richard took the chair.

2.  Attendance and apologies


Julie Brown

John Cartwright

Wendy Cartwright

Trish Corrick

Richard Dingley

Sylvia Dingley

Chris Green

Colette Jeff

Wilf Lacey

Audrey Morgan

Thea Oliver

Stanley Price

Victor Skinner


Apologies (none- all present)

3.  Matters to be raised under Other Business

(several contributors indicated matters to be raised)

4.  Minutes of the meeting of 28/04/2003

Minutes were agreed as accurate after minor amendments.

5.  Matters arising from the minutes

8.11 on 06/04/03 (notice for wall safe) This has been made by Victor and will be laminated by Colette before being put up.

List of PCC- this is now on the notice board

Appointment letters: these have been written for Maureen Richardson, Wilf Lacey, John Cartwright and Victor Skinner.

7.1              (Parish office). The original deeds have been obtained. These do not cover the car park or the larger part of the school grounds. However, for the older parts of the school that are covered, the vicar and the church wardens are trustees. The room suggested by the school governors would be suitable, but has not yet been formally offered. In the meantime both Colette and Gordon, and Graham and Julie, have offered occasional office space to Stanley. Stanley thanked them both.

8.4              (Organ repair) The organ repairers (Bakers) wrote back to Wendy, and informed us that the leathers need replacing. Estimated costs for this is £327 + VAT. After some discussion it was proposed that we proceed with the repair (proposed: Colette Jeff; seconded: Richard Dingley; proposal agreed nem con).

15.4          A letter from the secretary authorising the purchase of safe keys (quoting the proposal passed in the previous minutes) was produced, and signed by the vicar and the secretary. It was handed to John and Wendy Cartwright to action.

15.5          Proposals for purchasing notice boards were discussed, but no decision was taken.

15.6          (adding Stanley’s details to main notice board) This has been done.

6.  Worship

6.1              Review of services. We have a single regular service format, in the 9:30 Sunday Eucharist. Can we appoint a committee to review this? There are also some anomalies in our printed books and sheets. The following were put forward to sit on the committee from Draycott: Tricia Corrick, Colette Jeff, and Chris Green. There would also be people from Rodney Stoke on the committee.
ACTION: Stanley will also arrange the first meeting, after approaching Rodney Stoke.

6.2              Special Services. The following were suggested:

·        Harvest Festival: 1st or 2nd week in October- depending on Rodney Stoke

·        Healthcare Sunday: 19th October.

·        Christmas: ask Linda Whittle when she can get a speaker for a Christingle service. Advent Sunday would be a possibility (Thea will contact Linda, also Ian Ames White).

·        Carol Service? (14th or 21st December). Richard will pass the format of the previous service on to Stanley.

·        Carol Singing? Probably not this year.


6.3              Future mid-week prayer and study sessions. Suggested: a start in September. Choice between ‘sermon watching’ and ‘rural mission’ report.

6.4              The issue of  where to exchange the Peace in our Sunday service was discussed. There were several differing views, but we agreed to try having it at the beginning of the service, then to revisit it.

7.  Mission

7.1              A report on the visitation was read out by Julie Brown- to be printed in the magazine.

7.2              ‘First to the Lord’. This is to be relaunched, as FTTL II. We are given notice that local PCCs are called together for the launch at Kings of Wessex School on 16th March, to be addressed by the Bishop.

8.  Fabric report

(Richard Dingley)

8.1         The roof repairs have been held up by the discovery of bats roosting in the eaves. If they are only males, then we can proceed; if they are breeding colony with females, we will have to wait until the end of the breeding season to continue with roof repairs (and also provide alternative accommodation, such as ‘bat boxes’). We are currently awaiting a decision by English Nature.

8.2          Church yard. The tarring has been done, but weeds had not been adequately dealt with so are coming up through the tarmac. Richard has written to Mendip District Council.

8.3         We need a committee to discuss the best use of the church in a village context. Names suggested: two church wardens, plus Victor and Colette. Visits should be paid to other churches that have had good ideas.

8.4         Victor required a receipted invoice for roof repairs for submission to Wyvern Environmental Trust.

9.  Finance report

(Wendy Cartwright- see also separate financial statement)

We have quite a healthy current account balance of over £3,300 at the moment. It was decided that we should send £1000 to the diocese towards our Parish Share.

10. Roof & Refurbishment Fund Committee.

10.1     Bookstall: we made £179 profit on the bookstall in the Strawberry Fayre. There are lots of books left, and Victor and Rita will continue to sell them at other functions. The meeting thanked them both for their hard work.

10.2     (Pig roast) 41 tickets were sold; 20 more people were ‘interested’. The event is probably viable. A decision as to whether to go ahead will be taken when John reports back on the whist drive ticket sales.

10.3     The Garfield Weston Foundation have sent us a cheque for £3000.

10.4     Hearing Loop: Owen Spencer has provided a contact umber for getting financial help. We have two quotations already.

11. Magazine

(Julie Brown)

11.1     This seems to be going well under its new editors.

11.2     We expect there will be 10 issues in the year; a double one for both August/September, and December/January.

12. School Report

(Thea Oliver)

12.1     We have appointed the two new teachers: Mrs Jo Watts (from Draycott), and Mrs Jane Rawles (from Blackford- was teaching at Wedmore 1st school).

12.2     We have had our ‘section 23’ inspection (worship); the preliminary report was very good.

12.3     We have received an achievement award, and the school should be congratulated.

13. Website

(Chris Green)


13.1.   The Newmans have let me have the whole of the magazine for June in electronic form, which has made it possible to publish the whole of the magazine on the website for the first time.

13.2.   Richard received an enquiry from a Mr. Mel Hicks in Queensland, Australia, who had found his e-mail address on the website. He was investigating his ancestry in the locality. After asking around Rodney Stoke I was not able to tell him much, but I sent his letter on to the local paper, where it was published. I have not heard anything further, but perhaps Mr. Hicks has. If nothing else, this proves that we can be found from the other side of the world!

13.3.   The Diocesan website now has links to both of our parishes.

13.4.   I have not had any more time to extend the website, although I have a number of ideas I would like to put forward.

14. Dates of future meetings/ events

PCC meetings: 29th July (8 p.m., in church). Apologies were taken in advance from Trish, Thea and Audrey.

15. Any other business     

15.1     David Clark is poorly and can no longer rearrange seating.
ACTION: CG to write letter to David, with our thanks for all he has been doing.
John Cartwright will help with chair arranging.

15.2     Bible Society (Sylvia Dingley). We have not done any collection for a while.
ACTION: put this on the agenda for next meeting.

15.3     Hiring Glebe field- Thea has had an enquiry. Must contact Bill Garrett.

16. Closing prayers

The meeting was closed with a prayer, and the Grace.

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