Minutes of the Parochial Church Council, St. Peter’s Draycott

Held on 12/09/2002 at 8 p.m. in the church.

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1.  Opening prayers. 1

2.  Attendance and apologies. 1

3.  Matters to be raised under Any Other Business. 1

4.  Confirmation of minutes of meeting held on 30/07/2002. 1

5.  Matters arising from the minutes. 1

6.  Fabric report 1

7.  Finance report 2

8.  Refurbishment Fund Committee report 2

9. School report 2

10. Website report 2

11. Confirmation of dates for future meetings. 3

12. Any other business. 3

13. Closing prayer 3


1.  Opening prayers

Richard Dingley opened the meeting with a prayer, and took the chair.

2.  Attendance and apologies



Wendy Cartwright

Julie Brown

Richard Dingley

John Cartwright

Sylvia Dingley

Trish Corrick

Chris Green

Wilf Lacey

Colette Jeff


Audrey Morgan


Thea Oliver


Victor Skinner



3.  Matters to be raised under Any Other Business


4.  Confirmation of minutes of meeting held on 30/07/2002

The minutes were agreed as correct (with minor corrections), and signed.

5.  Matters arising from the minutes

(previous to 30/07/02)

5.         (Remembrance Sunday). Arrangements queried by Rodney Stoke. Richard explained the position to Jane Holmes.

9.                  (letter outlining our financial position to the Diocese).
Sent, & reply received (read out to meeting)

10.       (Notice on Church representation on village organisations)
Richard has done this.

(arising 30/07/02)
(NB. some are reported in the relevant agenda items for continuity & clarity)

7.3       (Thanks to John & Maureen) Letter written.

10.3          (Chris Hitt leaving) We have received a thank-you note from Chris.

12.5     (Carol singing) To be finalised at the next PCC meeting.

6.  Fabric report

(Richard Dingley)

6.1              Hearing loop. We have an appointment with “Sound Alive” for October 7. We shall write to the previous company from which we obtained a quote, as we have not been able to progress this so far due non-availability of the original contact.

6.2              In a phone conversation with Mr. Chedburn, Richard was told that he has spoken to three contractors for quotations. We are awaiting their responses.

6.3              We have received a bill from Mr. Chedburn for £889-98 (12% of work to date).

6.4              Mr. Chedburn and his wife has been invited to the launch lunch (Harvest).

6.5              Richard has written to Steve Patch concerning re-wiring, and for help in the redesign of lighting.

6.6              Once the nave roof is done, we could start to look seriously at redecoration. We should still have to leave the choir for the moment.

7.  Finance report

(Wendy Cartwright- see also separate financial statement)

7.1              We received £146 in tax refund for our support for the INF. This should be used for support of Lois’ work, as previously agreed. Richard said that it would be beneficial to this work if some went directly to Lois’ personal expense account, as this gives her more control over how it is spent. It was agreed that £146 should be sent in this way.

7.2              Some money will be transferred into our current account to pay Mr. Chedburn.

7.3              Music photocopying. We have been invited to extend our license, but our current one seems adequate for our needs.
ACTION: the meeting agreed that no further subscription was necessary.

7.4              We have received a £50 donation from the Flower & Vegetable Show committee, through Trish. The meeting expressed its appreciation.
ACTION: CG to write a letter of thanks to the committee, through Trish.

8.  Refurbishment Fund Committee report

(Victor Skinner).

8.1              All invitations for the launch on 6th October have now gone out (both to Draycott and Nyland). After 1 week we had received 2 replies, but by now this stands at 15.

8.2              We have received donations from some, totalling £215.

8.3              Receipts have been prepared to enable tax rebates to be applied for.

8.4              We had been sent the bishop’s contribution to the booklet, together with a quote for printing by the diocese, in an e-mail. Neither had been received by the meeting on the 7th August, however, and we arranged the printing ourselves. We have the bishop’s message now, and are able to go ahead.

8.5              We need some help with the wording of a donor card, to enable a tax refund (this should be simple, as only a signature is needed).

8.6              Some people have asked for clarification over the meal arrangements. All church members will be asked to bring when we have an idea of numbers.

8.7              We do not yet have an appeal treasurer. John was asked if he would be able to fill this role- he is already on the committee, and he has the financial experience. He agreed.

8.8              How much can the PCC give? We shall be asked to pledge an exemplary amount.

8.9              The next meeting is next week (Monday).

9. School report

(Thea Oliver)


9.1              All have settled in well for the new term, including the teachers. There are 78 pupils currently on the register. Two more are due after Christmas.

9.2              Mrs. Hill's twins (Archie and Lottie) have arrived.

9.3              The school will sing two or three songs at our harvest service.

10. Website report

(Chris Green)

10.1          Can we please have some material to go into the website for our fundraising launch?
ACTION: Victor to e-mail additional material to Chris.

11. Confirmation of dates for future meetings

11.1          17th October: Deanery Synod. How many should we cater for? We don’t know yet. We shall ask Barbara to co-ordinate. As many as possible of our congregation are encouraged to attend.

12. Any other business

12.1          Joan Smith has come off the flower rota.
ACTION: CG to write Joan letter of appreciation; to Wally also, for his support in occasional expert carpentry work.

12.2          We need a new glebe field notice board.
ACTION: RD to look into this.

12.3          We should remove the present millennium notice. We might consider replacing it with something else, but should not wait for this.

12.4          We have a new notice board inside the church. Thank you, Richard and John!

12.5          Annette Wills has approached us on behalf of the WI, who are supporting Sam Percival on a guiding trip.  They would like to use the church for a coffee morning, with crafts. If it goes well, they may ask to use it for other things (as the village hall is relatively expensive, and very heavily booked).
ACTION: the meeting approved. We should ask them for the money to cover our expenses (heating & electricity), but would contribute this back to the fundraising effort. Doing it this way demonstrates that we are willing to be generous in offering the church for charitable causes, but that it does cost us money.

12.6          It might also be possible to open the church to art displays, and come to an arrangement with local artists.
ACTION: individual approaches should be made to any local artists we know.

13. Closing prayer

The meeting was closed by Richard with a prayer.


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